Introduction Update / 286 words

This piece of writing examines the relationship between typography and meaning in connection to the systematic order and structure of modern society. This study will investigate the topic by looking at the typographic structure associated with movement and travel in modern life after the industrial revolution.

The industrial revolution was an event that impacted greatly on design and society. Since the revolution there has been a constant debate about design, its principles and how design could affect society as a whole. The revolution meant a rise in logical thinking and use of systems due to this design was considered to be something that could be systemized and put into a process.

From the 1800’s there were suggestions that modern design did not require any decoration or ornamentation. Function was to be favored over form. Many designers felt strongly about this issue of design principles such as Adolf Loos.

Loos wrote an essay titled “Ornament is crime” written in 1908. Loos believed that the industrialization of design should be embraced by society along with its functional approach. The effects of the industrial revolution subsequently caused a rejection of decoration. The concern of use and purpose was reflected not just in design but aspects of society and eventually changing how the public traveled.

The topics to be discussed are of importance because typography in the context of movement and modern society has an implicit connection to technology, control, social classes, speed and politics. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the way that typographic style and standardization is related to movement and travel. It will explore the reasons to why design changed and how the reject ornamentation, in favor of a modernism affected society, movement and travel.


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